Featuring the artwork of Tim Brudnicki, Joseph Maurer and Ross Nordquist
DateMay 24 - Sep 6, 2024
Event Details
Artists Tim Brudnicki, Joe Maurer, and Ross Nordquist collaborate with this larger-than-life mixed-media installation as they explore and pay homage to the love a mother has for her child. A nest is simple. It is naturally harvested material placed or woven together in a cup form. It’s used for part of a season as a home for eggs and eventually hatchlings. Nests are specific to their makers. Each one having a distinct style and use of material. Usually built in a carefully selected area. Somehow this characteristic of home building is passed down through generations. Birds are actively displaying their culture right in front of us. This is similar to how a mother passes on her knowledge and characteristics to a child from within her womb and eventually from within her home.
Artists Reception and Art Talk
Artists Reception | June 21 from 5 - 7 p.m.
Art Talk: 6 p.m. in Riverfront Room
Free to attend. Grab a drink at our lobby bar and join us for an evening of artful conversations.